Tag: lived experiences
‘Do You Want To Be Healed?’
May we be open to perceive knowledge and understanding among the natural resources all around us.
A Conversation with Shea Piro: The ‘Angel’ in the Details
A conversation about pursuing accomplishments, finding meaning, and noticing the whole person.
Taking a Different Approach
Our holistic student support service emphasizes children and adolescents being heard.
Drawing Out Dreams
Innovative, impactful tutoring programs can emerge from listening to and incorporating personal stories.
Seeing Through New Voices
Documenting and distributing lived experiences will help us confront problematic paradigms and ignorance.
Listening and Unlearning
Digital storytelling is a narrative approach that unlocks and elevates truths which are hidden by stigma and stereotype.
Different Ways of Knowing
Personal stories make meaning of life experiences and shape the life that is still possible.
Toward Meaningful Connections
A meaningful exchange is dynamic, interactive attunement in which all are open to cues, complexities, and new interpretations.
Reading to Rise
Literacy skills empower us to forge paths of upward mobility, break down cultural barriers, and build purposeful lives.
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A Hidden Mark of Faithfulness
Faith is a Revolutionary Act
A Promise of Rest for the World-Weary
England Editorial LLC aims to publish and produce content that promotes curiosity, critical thought, and collaboration. Our content is for educational, inspirational, and informational purposes only. Our content cannot and does not diagnose or offer treatment, and while we make every effort to ensure accuracy and validity, content is not intended to establish a standard of care or serve as the basis of expert advice. If you are experiencing a serious medical issue, please seek help from a licensed professional. Additionally, the views and opinions expressed through our content do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entity besides England Editorial LLC.