Recent Blog Posts
A Hidden Mark of Faithfulness
Jesus promises freedom from the fixed patterns of the world that limit godliness to a measure of performance.
Faith is a Revolutionary Act
Jesus leads us to touch lives and change their worlds by loving them with the truth.
A Promise of Rest for the World-Weary
Jesus invites us to be replenished and calls us into a life of purpose.
Working in Step with the Spirit
Jesus’ yoke teaches partnership, unity, and service.
Our Strength Comes from Joy
Devotion, surrender, and trust are a joy to God.
Let Our Lamps Shine Anew
True-burning oil only comes through communion. Our Eternal Father wants to be our Dearest Friend.
A Door for the Wise
The wise store up knowledge of God’s word, which is pleasant to the soul and providentially protective.
Burning Ready and Bright
What is the oil that keeps our lamps aglow?
Season of Miraculous Meaning
Advent is time to prepare anew for God’s faithfulness, loving devotion, and hope.
Seeking Oneness of Will
The spiritual practice of prayer awakens us to the beautiful truth of our identity.
Parables for Your Purpose
Discernment of desire, and the courageous humility to unfold it, enable us to become more fully ourselves.
Divinely Hidden Imprints
Was Jesus enlightened through rich investments in the lives of others?
Illuminating Labor of the Soul
Knowing the destiny of the cross that awaited Him, Jesus spoke light into our hearts.
Called as Children of Light
Light is the foundation of our precious faith, which emboldens us to hope and calls us to love.
Reconciling the Mystery
If we profess faith in our God for whom nothing is impossible, then can we dare to embrace life that defies categorical limits?
Lens of the Living Stone
Our work in the world involves building ourselves into vessels for the Living God.
This Way Leads Home
Stand firm, follow your faith, and honor the chance to seek the One who gave everything to seek you.
Hands to ‘Go and Do Likewise’
The stories Jesus told called into question stale traditions and called out social boundaries that defied His new law to love.
Bows of Devotion
We wait, listen, and contemplate the job description for being human: act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.
Infinitely More Than Conventional
Living by faith means learning to doubt man-made conventions of authority.
Offering an Ear To Listen
Mustard seeds of faith bring forward the work and missions entrusted to us.
Descending into Discovery
The way of love is one of surrender; take delight in the virtue of hope and cling to your faith.
Grow a Mindset for Meaning
Moral imagination asks us to be still, hold the facts in our mind, and widen our gaze.
Assurance of What We Hope For
The satisfaction we seek is the masterpiece that was with us in the beginning.
Feeling the Way Forward
Langston Hughes gives poetic affirmation and guidance for how to navigate worldly obstacles with simplicity of faith.
Let It Be a Joyful Noise
Psalms are personal, spiritual expressions that often articulate the collective aspirations or anguishes of a community.
Leading with the Heart
Leadership is the intention of a servant’s heart and action of a shepherd’s spirit.
The Perpetuity of Improvement
Aspects of the kaizen philosophy can be witnessed as spiritual truths evidenced in the pursuit of wisdom and process of discernment.
The Sun Rises, Rain Falls on Us All
We fight the good fight with the creative weapon of love.
Expressing ‘Deep Waters’ of the Heart
Narratives fill the space, bend the boundaries, and provide richer language for more nuanced definitions.
Trending Upward vs. Following the Trends
Together, we write meaning into memory.
The Plight of Providence
How do we determine what God puts on our hearts to write, draw, or create?
‘Do You Want To Be Healed?’
May we be open to perceive knowledge and understanding among the natural resources all around us.
‘Among You It Will Be Different’
The spirit of service reaches out and pulls in, it empowers to break down walls and build up community.
Finding the Way Everlasting
The road to salvation tapers toward simplicity and squeezes away the excess that pollutes, distorts, or wastes energy.
The (Un)learning Process
Do you have a vision for your life, work, and legacy? What does it look like? More importantly, what does it feel like?
Finding Miracles in the Mundane
In reverence to and consideration of the Divine, we are also moved to appreciate and learn from children and how to surrender into the living present.
The Path of Devotion
With fervor and zeal, we allow ourselves to be led along, dancing into the darkness where discovery lies.
The Paradise Paradox
Society is like a field, full of verdant greens, heavenly hues, and budding blooms. All need to be tended, understood, and cultivated.
The Breath of Belief
When we come alive to our true nature, we are open to encounter, in service to each other, and resistant to traps of the material world.
It’s Worth Mentioning
Writing opens the door to listening – most importantly, listening to others, but firstly, ourselves.
Storytelling as Service
Stories unite and invite encounter to imagine and re-frame what we believe and know with more empathy, nuance, and depth.
The Currency of Connection
Community clarifies who we are, who we love, and what we wish to keep out of harm’s way. What if we chose our words as if protecting that which we love?
Is ‘Education Marketplace’ a Contradictory Term?
An inquiry toward educational environments that empower children and young people and honor truth in narrative.
A Conversation with Shea Piro: The ‘Angel’ in the Details
A conversation about pursuing accomplishments, finding meaning, and noticing the whole person.
Honoring the Call
Young people are wise to their environments and speaking up about educational barriers and potential solutions.
Taking a Different Approach
Our holistic student support service emphasizes children and adolescents being heard.
Fostering Excellence For All
Holistic student support nurtures academic growth, social awareness, and communication skills.
Drawing Out Dreams
Innovative, impactful tutoring programs can emerge from listening to and incorporating personal stories.